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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Prompt #010 - Years

Prompt # 010 - Years

Time Frame: None
Pairing: None


“Immortality—a fate worse than death”

-Edgar A. Shoaff


It has been millennia, yet the gods remain.

An eternity of rule and bicker and watching from the clouds of Mt. Olympus. It is not such a terrible fate to the eyes of those on the ground—to their ancient subjects, and today their children. To be forever powerful and forever young and forever alive.

But to the gods of Mt. Olympus, the view is quite different.

Year after year passes in the blink of an eye. Generations of men are born, grow old, and die before breakfast. Their children are barely there at all. It is a never ending cycle of a changing world below them while the place they are stays the same—forever.

The same family, the same arguments, the same power.

No wonder they have so many children.

It is a brief moment in the eons of their eternal lives in which they can feel remotely human. They love passionately and have children that must face difficulties of their own. They can feel the intense sting of grief that comes with knowing that someday the one you know will die so you must make every day last.

And this desperation—this longing for a taste of what ever human on earth can have is what the gods secretly crave the most as the years roll by, like a wave over a rock that touches but does not alter it.

And then their children become great heroes, or die by monsters or time’s hand. Their brief affairs wither and die. The landscape changes, the people lose faith, the center of the flame moves west.

And then the cycle repeats itself—with the gods remaining alone and isolated from those they oversee on top of their mountain palace yet prison for eternity.
