Common Denominator
Time Frame: The Titan’s Curse – Chapter Six
Pairing: None
POV: None
“We need a common enemy to unite us.”
-Condoleezza Rice
There is an electricity in the air tonight at Camp Half-Blood. As the camper strap on their armor, anxiously anticipating the coming game, it is somehow more intense than other game’s they’ve fought.
Because this time, it is not cabin versus cabin, camper versus camper. This time, they are all playing against one foe—the Hunters.
For this one evening, small feuds are forgotten in the shadow of larger quarrels. There is no petty bickering between the Stoll brothers and the Ares kids. There is no nasally complaining from Silena and her siblings. There is only focused intensity on the coming battle.
Fifty-six times the campers of Half-Blood Hill lost. And among the varying lineage and characteristics, they are all thinking today, the fifty-seventh game will turn the tide, and the children of the gods will reign triumphant once more.
For a moment—for this brief, sharp, intense moment—there are no cabins, there are no grudges, there are no divides.
There is an “us”, and there is a “them”.
The world is black and white for once as they grab their swords and shields and bows and spears.
And with a common enemy, they march into battle.
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