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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prompt #001 - Beginnings

Let's get this party started!

Prompt # 001 – Beginnings

The Path Less Traveled

Time Frame: The Titan’s Curse – Chapter Three

Pairing: None


"It is important to remember our beginnings, to remember that we matter and that we have a place in this world that no one else has."

- Anonymous


I remember that day. The scent of hot chocolate, and the warmth of the air.

I remember how it felt to sit on that rug and feel the power all around me. Decisions, decisions, but I wanted it too badly.

I could feel the world before me—on the edge of which I was teetering. To leave my brother, to leave my self-less, horrible, miserable life behind: it was too much to pass up.

What really drew me was a chance to finally begin a new—to scramble up from the dark sandpit my life and become and know there was something else.

The magic, the splendor, the power, the hot chocolate…

That was not the point.

I wanted to be something different, something new—anything, anything other than what I had been living--finally a place to belong!

My lips moved, my heart soared, the lights flared. I saw him, the boy with the black hair and green eyes looking horror struck at me but I didn’t care.

Whatever I had done, whoever I had betrayed—that was all behind me.

I had chosen my path.

And I took off running without second glance.


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