Current Progress


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prompt #002 - Middles

Prompt # 002 – Middles

Time Frame: The Battle of the Labyrinth
Pairing: Percy/Annabeth


“Yesterday brought the beginning,
Tomorrow brings the end
But somewhere in the middle
We’ve become the best of friends.”

- Anonymous


Annabeth can’t remember when it started. And now, frankly, she doesn’t care.

It doesn’t matter when the messy hair went from irritating to charming. It doesn’t matter when the spacey mindset went from exasperating to adorable. It doesn’t matter when the name calling went from provoking to endearing.

It doesn’t matter when that boy became the boy.

The beginning is not so important to Annabeth now.

For in a world where days fly by in anxious whirls and every sunset may be your last, there is no time to dwell on the past. Annabeth knows this—she knows this better than most. Luke has shown her that much.

But she is older and wiser than she once was, and now Annabeth understands. How something began or ended does not matter now: here.

The place where she currently stands the only thing that is important now.

And how she came to be in that place, or where she will be tomorrow, she knows not, and she cares not.

All that matters is that, today, he is there beside her.


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