Current Progress


Monday, June 28, 2010

Prompt #014 - Green

Prompt # 014 - Green

Time Frame: Post-Battle of the Labyrinth
Pairing: None
POV: Grover


“The poetry of the earth is never dead.”

-John Keats


It should feel the same, Grover thinks. This camp—his home—should feel the same as it has for every summer he has known it. But it isn’t the same.

Everything is so much more alive.

Walking through the strawberry fields, he can feel them—the little plants’ yearnings to grow tall and strong, to strangle the fences that keep them contained, to reclaim this soil that was once theirs. He can feel their lives and seeds and potential. He can feel the life-giving richness of the soil beneath his hooves. He reaches out to brush his hands along the leaves—so green and glowing in the bright sunlight.

Ever since that day, Grover is no longer only a spectator of the wild’s glory. He is a part of it. He stops, closing his eyes. He sits down among the strawberries, their green leaves creating a cocoon dotted with red berries around him.

Fishing his pan flutes from pocket, he brings them to his lips, and begins to play.

The music—ancient and glorious as the first towering tree—pours onto the plants and the soul, drifting up into the infinite sky above him. It is almost a tangible thing: strands of sound weaving from his pipers, caressing the plants and pulling them closer to him. They lean towards him, as if anxious to better hear his music.

Beneath him, Grover can feel the sparse blades of grass punching up through the earth, as if breaking the surface of water to breathe. He is surrounded by the warm kiss of early summer air, his music floating upon its gentle winds.

Now you see, child, the ancient earth seems to whisper to him. There is a change somewhere inside him as he feels the spirit of the wild earth and all the life around him, swirling about him, singing and dancing and sighing and laughing in the afternoon sun.

His song slowly ends, and he sets his piped down into the rich earth, opens his eyes…

…and all he can see is green.

Now you finally see.


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