Current Progress


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Prompt #015 - Blue

Prompt # 015 - Blue

My Silena

Time Frame: The Last Olympian – Chapter One

Pairing: Silena/Beckendorf

POV: Charles Beckendorf


“…the world could be burning ‘til there’s nothing but dark blue.”

-Dark Blue

By: Jack’s Mannequin


I watch as he disappears over the side of the ship and I feel the currents sway the boat as they pull him further away from me—to safety. He’s a good kid, a great fighter: a true hero. I hope they welcome him as one when he gets back to camp.

He will serve a greater purpose than I will. I know this, and am not ashamed or jealous…it’s just the way things are. He needs to be there when the camp makes the final stand of this war. He will be the one to lead us to victory or ruin.

I look back into the faces of my captors. They have no idea of what awaits them…unlike me. I know full well what is coming. I can feel the tiny clock on my wrist, its tiny mechanical gears whirring, ticking down the seconds like the quick, steady beatings of my heart.

I stare out at the ocean. It is dark today, despite the sun glittering on its surface. So deep and fathomlessly, beautifully blue.

Just like her eyes.

My eyelids close and I think of Silena. Good, sweet, beautiful Silena. One summer with her was not nearly enough. I think of how her eyes glitter like the ocean today—like some precious jewel reflecting the light of the stars.

For her, I think. Of course it is for her.

I do this, also, to save the camp further misfortune at the hands of the Titans, to save Western Civilization, to save the gods, Mt. Olympus… but really it is all for her, I realize.

To save my Silena and her beautiful eyes.

I do not hear the explosion so much as I feel it—I must be going deaf in the few split-seconds before I die, engulfed in the flames, like the tools of my father.

Entering and exiting the world in fire: forged and destroyed by flame—truly a son of Hephaestus.

But all I can think of is her.


And then…the world does not go black—it goes dark blue.


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